MXV – Dry Switch Monitor, Voltage Output

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Part Number:
List Price: $303.00

The MXV module monitors five dry switch closure devices and provides one 0 to 10VDC output to the BAS controller.

Datasheet for Submittal

  • MXV Datasheet for Submittal - PDF
  • Datasheet with Pricing

  • MXV - Dry Switch Monitor, Voltage Output - PDF
  • Instruction Sheet

  • MXV - Dry Switch Monitor Instructions - PDF
  • Description

    The MXV module monitors five dry switch closure devices and provides one 0 to 10VDC output to the BAS controller.


    Datasheet for Submittal

  • MXV Datasheet for Submittal - PDF
  • Datasheet with Pricing

  • MXV - Dry Switch Monitor, Voltage Output - PDF
  • Instruction Sheet

  • MXV - Dry Switch Monitor Instructions - PDF