The ALC room sensor ALC/10K-2-RSOD was discontinued in 2000, but it can be replaced with an ALC/RµPS sensor. The original sensor required 5 VDC power; however, the RµPS sensor is available as a 5 VDC model or as a model which can be powered by 9 to 40 VDC or 18 to 24 VAC. The part numbers are as follows:
ALC/RUPSF-81-P-5-102-CG – °F Indication, 5 VDC Power
ALC/RUPSC-81-P-5-102-CG – °C Indication, 5 VDC Power
ALC/RUPSF-81-P-24-102-CG – °F Indication, 9 to 40 VDC or 18 to 24 VAC Power
ALC/RUPSC-81-P-24-102-CG – °C Indication, 9 to 40 VDC or 18 to 24 VAC Power
An ALC/VC350A-EZ Voltage Converter may be used to convert 24 VAC/VDC to the regulated 5VDC required to power the 5 Volt Models. An ALC/VC350A-EZ Voltage Converter may be used to create the 15 VDC which is recommended for the 9 to 40 VDC or 18 to 24 VAC models. For more information on why BAPI recommends 15 VDC for these models, see the Application Note “Why BAPI Recommends Using DC Instead of AC Power” on this Website
The chart and images below indicate the proper wiring terminations when replacing an older RSOD unit with the newer RµPS model:

If you have any questions, please contact your BAPI representative.