BAPI’s certification form matches the requirements of the National Institute of Standards and Technology data reporting standard.

The column labeled “Reference” is the actual test condition as measured by the Calibration Standards referenced in the inventory described above. For the test shown, the test condition at 0°F was actually -0.2°F, we achieved 40°F and 80°F was actually 80.6°F. The next column labeled “Uncertainty” is the tolerance of Calibration standards used to measure the test condition temperature.
The column labeled “As Found” is the transmitters output before any corrections are made to the transmitter. If the output is a 4 to 20mA current loop, the output is changed to the units of the parameter being measured, in this case Fahrenheit temperature. The next column labeled “Difference” is the difference or offset of the As Found to the Reference.
The column labeled “As Left” is the transmitters output after any corrections are made to the transmitter. This is how the equipment is sent to you. If the output is a 4 to 20mA current loop, the output is changed to the units of the parameter being measured, in this case Fahrenheit temperature. The next column labeled “Difference” is the difference or offset of the “As Left” to the “Reference”. This last “Difference” column is the offset you should use in your controller to correct the temperature.

If you have any questions about the certification documents, please contact your BAPI representative.